Whether you’re doing a set of pushups, swinging a golf club, or cleaning house, you count on your elbows to complete multiple tasks throughout the day.
The elbow is a joint made up of three bones (humerus, radius and ulna), with muscles, ligaments and tendons holding the it together and allowing for the hinged movements of the arm.
When problems develop in your elbow, daily functioning can be difficult and painful, and surgery may be required. While recovery after surgery can be long, painful and have complications, it doesn’t have to be. Lytle’s recovery equipment will help you return to normal functioning as soon as possible and with less pain.
Listed below are common elbow procedures where Lytle Recover Now will allow you to shorten your recovery by preventing post-op blood clots, reducing pain and swelling, and providing safe motion.
Tommy John (UCL) Repair: Transplants a tendon from your wrist to repair the ligament in your elbow that connects your humurus (upper arm bone) to your ulna (forearm bone). This Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) repair is known as a “Tommy John” repair after the Dodgers pitcher who was the first to have the procedure.
Tennis / Golfer Elbow Debridement: Removes the frayed or damaged tissue (debridement) around your elbow or cuts a section of the tendon to reduce pressure in the affected area (release). Tennis and golf elbow are caused by repetitive movement that stresses the tendons of the elbow.
Bone Fragment (OCD) Removal: Removes fragments of your cartilage or bone that can chip off from the elbow and begin floating in your joint space. Fragments occur due to repetitive impacts on the hands. Surgeons typically remove the fragments to resolve the issue.
Manipulation to Regain Full Motion: Breaks up scar tissue in your elbow joint after surgery by moving the joint through its normal range of motion. Scar tissue formation can typically be prevented through physical therapy, but in some cases it needs to be manually broken up in surgery.
Whatever procedure you’re undergoing, you are at risk of developing a blood clot, experiencing significant pain and swelling, or having scar tissue form around the elbow that limits your range of motion.
To prevent these types of recovery complications and delays, Lytle Medical, in concert with your surgeon, provides you with a number of Rapid Recovery Services. These include a compression therapy device that prevents blood clotting that is common after surgery; a cold therapy device that minimizes the number of narcotic pain pills needed after surgery while simultaneously reducing swelling; and a motion therapy device that improves your range of motion.
Preventing Blood Clots After Elbow Surgery
Why would a blood clot form in my leg after elbow surgery?
As you rest following surgery, the blood returns to your heart slower than usual and may form a clot. While everyone is vulnerable to blood clotting during post-surgical activity, your risk is increased with obesity, smoking, hormone replacement therapy, birth control medication, cancer, immobility, or a personal or family history of blood clotting – also called Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).
Why be concerned?
Developing a blood clot will significantly delay your recovery and is potentially life threatening. If the clot breaks free and travels to your lungs, it can restrict blood flow and the ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen to the blood. If you must to be treated for a blood clot while recovering from surgery, regaining your strength and function are put on hold while dealing with the more immediate crisis.
How to address it?
Blood clot prevention usually involves either a mechanical device that uses intermittent pneumatic compression to squeeze the calves to keep blood moving, or a pharmaceutical blood thinner that limits the blood’s ability to clot. These drugs are administered either orally or through self-injection and carry significant risks associated with stomach ulcers and uncontrolled internal bleeding.
Recover Now with the Rapid Recovery Preventer
Lytle’s Rapid Recovery Preventer is a mechanical solution to blood clot prevention. The Preventer intermittently squeezes your calves to force blood to flow using a wrap placed around the lower leg that supplies a gentle and intermittent compression of the calf muscle. The Preventer pushes blood up and out of your leg every 45 seconds or so even when you’re sitting or sleeping. Between compressions, the Preventer partially deflates to allow fresh blood to take the place of the pooled/stagnant blood.
- Reduces swelling and edema
- Allows for a portable safe and convenient recovery
- Improves lymphatic drainage
- Improves soft tissue healing
- Provides consistent therapy
- Provides the optimal dosage of therapy – correct hours/repetitions per day
How to get the Rapid Recovery Preventer
To prevent a catastrophic delay in your recovery or serious complications from a blood clot,
make sure you use the Preventer. Follow these easy steps now:
Download and print the
DVT Preventer order form,
then take the risk assessment quiz. -
Review the sections on Reducing Pain
and Swelling and Providing Safe Motion
to see if these Rapid Recovery services
also should be included with your order. -
Have your surgeon or primary care physician
sign the order form and return it to our
company via email at patientcare@golytle.com
or fax it to 248-626-3113. -
Answer a call from our Rapid Recovery specialist
who will initiate your Rapid Recovery Services.
Reducing Pain and Swelling After Elbow Surgery
Why does surgical trauma cause pain and swelling?
All orthopedic surgeries of the elbow involve at least one invasive action that results in pain and swelling. It’s a result of an overabundance of restorative fluid accumulating in the joint that your body then needs to remove. The excess fluid causes you increased pain and swells the elbow area making it difficult to move.
Why be concerned?
Normally the pain and swelling caused by your body’s response to an invasive event is a good thing. It discourages you from bearing weight or bending your elbow. However, in the case of surgical recovery, the swelling and pain associated with a traumatic event will delay recovery.
How to address it?
Cryotherapy and compression therapy are two common ways to reduce the pain and swelling after surgery. Cryo and compression help avoid any delay or detriment to your elbow healing. Applying intermittent cryotherapy to the repaired elbow lowers pain levels and constricts blood vessels that temporarily reduce blood flow to the area allowing the blood to remove injured cells and return oxygenated and replenished blood with healing nutrients. Compression also reduces swelling by slowly squeezing the fluid out of the area. The dynamic and sequential compression found in the Reliever helps gently massage the swelling out of the area.
Recover Now with the Rapid Recovery Reliever
To eliminate the risk of muscle contraction and the potential delays caused by doing therapy that is too fast or aggressive you want consistent, and properly aligned and timed passive motion for your healing elbow. Lytle’s Rapid Recovery Mover is a safe and convenient way to provide motion therapy. The microprocessor- controlled device automatically sets the speed and the range at which your elbow is moved according to what your surgeon has prescribed. Frequency and length of sessions are dictated by your surgeon.
- Lowers narcotic use
- Improves soft tissue healing
- Improves fluid and lymphedema drainage
- Increases blood flow
- Operates easily
- Reduces stress on the repair and elbow joint
- Allows for safe, convenient recovery
- Provides the optimal dosage of therapy – correct hours per day
- Reduces your out-of-pocket cost
How to get the Reliever
To get your range of motion back after surgery, make sure you use the Mover. Follow these easy steps now:
Download and print the
Rapid Recovery Cold Compression order form -
Review the sections on Blood Clot Prevention
and Providing Safe Motion to see if these
Rapid Recovery services should also be
included with your order. -
Have your surgeon or primary care physician sign
the order form and return it to our company via
email at patientcare@golytle.com
or fax it to 248-626-3113. -
Answer a call from our Rapid Recovery Specialist
who will initiate your Rapid Recovery Services.
Regaining Complete Motion After Elbow Surgery
Why does scar tissue form after elbow surgery?
After surgery, the cells in your restorative fluid heal your connective tissue. The orientation of
the repaired connective tissue is influenced by movement. If the tissue is immobilized it can form in a random pattern. Sometimes this random pattern leads to scar tissue.
Why be concerned?
Scar tissue can cause significant delays in healing and in some instances require a second surgery to regain the motion in your elbow. Scar tissue can cause pain, stiffness and trouble moving your elbow and legs.
How to address it?
Moving your elbow after surgery is critical to a healthy recovery because the movement helps you
form strong tissue – not scar tissue. The way to properly move your elbow is by a therapy called passive motion. A physical therapist (PT) can provide this motion at his/her office, or a Continuous Passive Motion device can be used at home to slowly move your elbow in a safe, controlled manner. A continuous passive motion (CPM) device is a great way to provide the movement needed for a successful recovery.
Recover Now with the Rapid Recovery Mover
Lytle’s Rapid Recovery Mover is a safe and convenient way to provide passive motion therapy
to maximize the formation of strong tissue and accelerate the speed of your recovery. The microprocessor-controlled device automatically sets the speed and the range at which your elbow is moved according to what your surgeon has prescribed. This safe and controlled motion does not over stress the repaired tissues and provides PT-quality therapy in your own home.
- Allows for safe increases in motion as you heal
- Improves soft tissue healing
- Reduces swelling and edema
- Speeds up recovery
- Helps muscle stay passive (not fire while fighting the urge to contract and guard the joint)
- Provides consistent therapy – not dependent on availability of physical therapist
- Allows for safe, convenient recovery – less driving to/from physical therapy
- Provides the optimal dosage of therapy – correct number of hours and repetitions per day
- Reduces your out-of-pocket cost
How to get the Mover
To get your range of motion back after surgery, make sure you use the Mover. Follow these easy steps now:
Download and print the
Rapid Recovery Mover order form. -
Review the sections on Blood Clot Prevention
and Reducing Pain and Swelling to see if these
Rapid Recovery services should also be
included with your order. -
Have your surgeon or primary care physician sign
the order form and return it to our company
via email at patientcare@golytle.com
or fax it to 248-626-3113. -
Answer a call from our Rapid Recovery Specialist
who will initiate your Rapid Recovery Services.